
NICE 2024 Tutorials

The Tutorial Day of NICE 2024 (Friday, 26 April 2024) took place with three slots of three sessions in parallel each, so there were 9 tutorials offered.

These 9 tutorials have been selected from the submitted tutorial proposals.

  • Hands-on tutorial: BrainScales neuromorphic compute system
  • An Introduction to Design and Simulation using SNS-Toolbox and SNSTorch
  • Simulation Tool for Asynchronous Cortical Streams (STACS)
  • N2A – neural programming language and workbench
  • SANA-FE: Simulating Advanced Neuromorphic Architectures for Fast Exploration
  • An Integrated Toolbox for Creating Neuromorphic Edge Applications
  • CrossSim: A Hardware/Software Co-Design Tool for Analog In-Memory Computing
  • Neuromorphic Intermediate Representation
  • Building Scalable, Composable Spiking Neural Algorithms with Fugu (An Introduction)