NICE 2015 took place 23-25 February 2015. The workshop page is not active any longer. The content is still available here from the Internet Archive.
Content copy (as history):

2015 Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Workshop:
Information Processing and Computation Systems beyond von Neumann/Turing Architecture and Moore’s Law Limits
February 23 – 25, 2015
Workshop focus
Conventional, stored program architecture systems are designed for algorithmic and exact calculations. However, the problems with highest impact involve large, noisy, incomplete, “natural” data sets that do not lend themselves to convenient solutions by current systems. Our task is to build upon the convergence – cresting waves among neuroscience, microelectronics and computational systems to develop a new architecture designed to handle these natural data sets.

Workshop goal
By bringing together researchers from different scientific disciplines and applications areas, we seek to provide a nucleation point for the development of next generation of information processing/computation architectures that go beyond stored program architectures and Moore’s Law limits.
With this workshop, we will:
- Present applications that are looking for solutions that are beyond the capabilities of current computational systems,
- Highlight technical approaches that are at the early to middle stages of development for new computational systems,
- Identify pathways and resources to accelerate the development of these new systems.
NEW Student Thesis Competition
Go to Student Thesis Competition to submit a student thesis abstract and advisor recommendation on a Neuro-inspired Computation related topic. Submissions must be in by January 16th, winners will be announced by January 30th. Three selected students will receive travel support to attend the workshop and have the opportunity to present a 10 minute ‘snap overview’. Runner-up notable submissions will be considered for poster presentations during the workshop.
Workshop Advisory Committee
Dan Hammerstrom
Karlheinz Meier
R. Jacob Vogelstein
Robinson Pino
Workshop Organizing Committee
Bradley Aimone, Sandia National Laboratories
Murat Okandan, Sandia National Laboratories
Brad Aimone, Sandia
Lars Buesing, Columbia
Kris Carlson, UC Irvine
Sek Chai, SRI International
Chris Daffron, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ralph Etienne-Cummings, NYU
Paul Franzon, North Carolina State University
Jeremy Freeman, Janelia Farm/HHMI
Steve Furber, University of Manchester
Kevin Gomez, Seagate
Nathan Gouwens, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Dan Hammerstrom, DARPA
Jennifer Hasler, Georgia Tech
Jeff Hawkins, Numenta
Bruce Hendrickson, Sandia, Computing Research Division Director
Marwan Jabri, Neuromorphic LLC
Garrett Kenyon, LANL
Konrad Kording, Northwestern University
Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tai Sing Lee, Carnegie Mellon
Helen Li, University of Pittsburgh
Gary Marcus, NYU
Matt Marinella, Sandia
Karlheinz Meier, University of Heidelberg
Randal O’Reilly, University of Colorado Boulder
Roman Ormandy, Embody Corporation
Igor Ovchinnikov, UCLA
Robinson Pino, DOE Office of Science
Xaq Pitkow, Rice University
Paul Rhodes, Evolved Machines
Fred Rothganger, Sandia
Catherine Schuman, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sebastian Seung, Princeton
Tarek Taha, University of Dayton
Jacob Vogelstein, IARPA
Ken Whang, NSF
Winfried Wilcke, IBM
Alan Yuille, UCLA
Murat Okandan, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Linda Wood
Event Organization
[email protected]