The 8th Annual Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements (NICE) workshop
NICE took place 16 – 19 March 2021 as online event. As pre-meeting event the NEUROTECH Forum II took place on 15 March 2021.
The NICE 2021 agenda is available here.
Talk slides and videos
Speakers can provide their talk slides and their talk recording (publicly or for access only by the meeting attendants). The provided / cleared slides and talk videos are linked in the meeting agenda. Talks cleared by the speaker for public distribution get added to the NICE YouTube channel.
Registration (closed — the conference is over)
- The registration fee for the online meeting was 50 Euro for regular attendants or 25 Euro for students.
- If you already registered for NICE 2020: Not-reimbursed registrations for the NICE 2020 are valid for NICE 2021 – please contact [email protected] to transfer your NICE 2020 registration to NICE 2021 (for the difference in registration fee you will be contacted separately)
Talk prices – sponsored by NEUROTECH
We are grateful, that the NEUROTECH project sponsors three prices for best NICE talks:
- Best student presentation (250 Euro)
- Best runner-up student presentation (100 Euro)
- Best early researcher presentation (250 Euro) (“early researcher” = until 10 years after finishing their PhD or similar)
A jury with members from the NEUROTECH project and one of the NICE organizers will select the winners.
Sponsored by Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering™

Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering™ is a new multidisciplinary, open access journal from IOP Publishing devoted to the application and development of neuromorphic computing, devices and systems
Access: Zoom client software
For attending the meeting you will need the zoom client software. It can be downloaded at
The proceedings for NICE 2021 are actually papers for the postponed 2020 NICE. You can find papers for many of the presentations here:
NICE 2021 is hosted by the Human Brain Project partner Heidelberg University. The SpiNNaker (Manchester) and BrainScaleS (Heidelberg) systems presented in the tutorials are part of the HBP EBRAINS Research Infrastructure offering.
Info: This event is the postponed NICE 2020 workshop — due to the pandemic we had to move the event by a full year (see here for history).